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If I had to choose only one chocolate dessert in this lifetime to eat
for the rest of my life it would be these Ferrero Rocher Cupcakes.


And if I had to choose only one chocolate in this lifetime to only
eat if I could only have one ever again it would most definitely be Ferrero Rochers.


Ferrero Rocher’s are literally the chocolate of all chocolates and
personally they’re everything I want in a chocolate.

Rolled chopped nuts in smooth milk chocolate all wrapped over a crunchy
wafer layer with soft chocolate cream and a WHOLE hazelnut in the middle.

Just gimme right now.


As if the choccolates alone are not good enough, these Ferrero Rocher Cupcakes
take them to a whole nother crazy chocolate goodness level.


For starters, the cupcakes are of course; chocolate.

They’re stuffed with one whole Ferrero Rocher and then baked until light and fluffy.

Side note: the only way I enjoy a cupcake is when it’s light and fluffy,
I am not into the dense heavier cupcakes that feel like you’re eating wet flour.

Is that just me?


The cupcakes are then piped very carefully with a tasty chocolate nutella frosting.

Don’t get ahead of yourself now, it’s not just nutella frosting…
Melted chocolate, cocoa powder, and icing sugar make an appearance
with the creamy nutella in this beautiful frosting.

Then cream cheese is whipped into the bowl to make the most perfect icing ever and finish it off.


I believe that cream cheese is the reason frosting is so delectable.
I don’t even want to make a frosting without cream cheese ever again after I tasted this.


And lastly; the cupcake is topped with one more Ferrero Rocher chocolate.

If you’re really into nutella, I mean who actually isn’t?, here’s my favorite
Nutella Mousse recipe that is so incredibly easy and delicious.


Kind of got a little side tracked there so here’s a little breakdown (in order this time).

Ferrero Rocher Cupcakes:

– Chocolate boxed cake mix (improved with an extra egg & vanilla extract)
is baked with a Ferrero Rocher chocolate inside the batter.
-Nutella, melted semi-sweet chocolate, cocoa powder, and
cream cheese frosting is the icing on the cake. HA.
-Another Ferrero Rocher garnishes the cupcake to make it look even prettier and chocolatier.


I took these as our little something to Thanksgiving dinner and some of
them were gone before dinner they were that good.


So here’s a few reasons why these should be in your mouth this week:

Great presentation (looks like you spent forever making the cupcakes
when really they’re not even hard and are quite quick).

They are the most indulgent way to enjoy chocolate and Ferrero Rochers.

And lastly because I can’t get over how good they actually look AND taste.


It’s like magic.



What chocolate magic did you make for Thanksgiving this year?


much love,



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