I was in the mood for some chocolate so I made half healthy chocolate mini treats! They are so easy to pop into your mouth and devour.

They were literally the easiest things ever. I bought my trail mix from whole foods. It’s a great mix of almonds, pistachios, dried cherries, and raisins. 
I decided to use a mix of dark chocolate chunks and milk chocolate chips. Working on that half paleo diet! Dark= paleo, milk= not paleo. If anyone is interested. 
I hindered myself back a few steps due to the fact that yesterday morning after waking up, I wanted pizza, a bonjangles chicken biscuit, chicken tenders, french fries with ketchup (which I had on Saturday night), and Mexican food. 
BUT instead of almost overdosing in high fat gluten infested foods I decided to just eat at home. I was proud that I literally did not drive to bojangles, I was really close.
So back to the chocolate!
6 tablespoons milk chocolate
6 tablespoons dark chocolate chunks 
whole foods trail mix 
raw cashews
I melted the chocolate in a glass bowl for 30 seconds, stirred it, then microwaved it another 30 seconds. Then I mixed the chocolate until the chunks dissolved. This took a while but I didn’t want to reheat the mixture and burn the chocolate. I made 22 circles with a spoon on wax paper. I basically scooped chocolate and swirled it around until the circle filled out and flattened out.
Don’t apply too much pressure to the chocolate drops, they will round out on their own!
I randomly picked nuts and cherries and pushed them into the melted chocolate. I wanted one of each piece of trail mix in each bite. 
I froze them to harden the chocolate and then ate three. Freeze until they are completely firm. Then keep them in the fridge to keep chocolate from melting at all times. They are kinda hard to resist. 
They’re so cute and tasty! 

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