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Interested in a Triple Chocolate Cake recipe for the next time you need
to bake a Triple Chocolate Cake; because that happens regularly, right?

Some days I wake up and just want cake, do you know that feeling and know what I mean?

Cake batter and ingredients for Triple Chocolate Cake

Not just any cake; a chocolate cake with multiple layers of fluffy soft cake, a chocolate
creamy gooey center, and of course a smooth rich dark chocolate ganache flowing on top.

Baked cakes and chocolate ingredients for Triple Chocolate Cake

You need this recipe, am I right or what?

Middle chocolate layer and baked cake for Triple Chocolate Cake

One of the best ways to make a cake in my opinion, mentioned here in this Red Velvet Cake masterpiece
and here in these Ferrero Rocher Cupcakes, is to focus your efforts elsewhere and just spruce up a boxed cake.

Yes, that is my life motto on cakes, spend time making
a from scratch icing (always), homemade fillings and toppings.

Drizzled Chocolate Ganache for Triple Chocolate Cake

In this century boxed cakes are quite good so I add a little here and a little
there and we have a cake in a matter of minutes. It is my personal opinion to not spend
hours mixing and measuring cake ingredients and instead just use one that’s ready to go!

The secret is to add an extra egg, a little vanilla extract and to bake it perfectly.

With that my friends, you have a bakery cake that doesn’t taste boxed but
like it was made from scratch and you spent all day on it (when you didn’t!!)

Layered Triple Chocolate Cake

And then all my efforts and time are spent on things like this creamy milk chocolate
filling and this super smooth rich but not overly sugary bittersweet chocolate ganache.

Side Picture of Triple Chocolate Cake and Mugs

Might I mention the origins of this cake coming from Cooking Light making it one for the
absolute books because one it is healthier and two it is better for you and three it is chocolate cake.

Do I need to say more…?

Upper Shot of Triple Chocolate Cake

If you were ever wondering what the chocolate devotion ice cream from Coldstone
Creamery was like in cake form, I think it would be this, this right here.

Much love & chocolate devotion always,

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  1. Kristina

    This looks amazing! I like how you alter a boxed cake recipe to save some time. I will definitely have to try that trick! Also, I absolutely have the feeling all the time where I need a chocolate cake – and not just any chocolate cake but one exactly how you describe, just chocolate on chocolate on chocolate! Yum.

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